Altres màsters
- Quantum Engineering (90 crèdits, Imperial College London)
- Energy Science and Technology - MEST (90-120 crèdits, ETH Zürich)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland)
- Science in Physics (90 crèdits, EPFL- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Sensors, Signals and Systems (research opportunities are offered, e.g. at the BASP group of Dr Yves Wiaux
- International Master Course in Physics of Complex Systems (120 crèdits, SISSA and ICTP in Trieste, Politecnico di Torino, Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris, Paris Diderot, Paris-Sud, École Normale Supérieure at Cachan and Spring College)
- Electronic and Communication Engineering (Fudan University in Shanghai and University of Turku in Finlandia)
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