Màsters relacionats amb la fotònica
Photonics (60 crèdits ampliables a 120, ICFO, UPC, UB i UAB) Veure UPCtv i YouTube
Eurohotonics (120 crèdits entre Aix-Marseille U, KIT Karlsruhe, ICFO UPC, UB i UAB) Veure vídeo a UPCtv
EMSP - European Master of Science in Photonics (120 crèdits entre Ghent University i Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Photonics (120 crèdits, Friedrich-Schiller Jena University, Germany)
Photonics Engineering (120 crèdits, DTU - Technical Univeristy of Denmark)
Optics and Photonics (90 crèdits en un any a temps complert, Imperial College of London)
Applied Physics, specialization in Optics and Biophysics (120 crèdits, University of Twente, Netherland)
Engineering and Physical Sciences (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland) Photonics and Optoelectronic Devices (research opportunities are offered)
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