
David Paez publica part dels seu TFGef a ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces


David Paez, estudiant de quart del grau en enginyeria física, com ha resultat de seu Treball de Fi de Grau (TFG) ha publicat, junt amb el seu director del treball José E. Garcia (professor del grau) i altrescol·laboradors, un article a ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018. 10, 21804, titulat Light-Induced Capacitance Tunability in Ferroelectric Crystals



The remote controlling of ferroic properties with light is nowadays a hot and highly appealing topic in materials science. Here, we shed light on some of the unresolved issues surrounding light–matter coupling in ferroelectrics. Our findings show that the capacitance and, consequently, its related intrinsic material property, i.e., the dielectric constant, can be reversibly adjusted through the light power control. High photodielectric performance is exhibited across a wide range of the visible light wavelength because of the wavelength-independence of the phenomenon. We have verified that this counterintuitive behavior can be strongly ascribed to the existence of “locally free charges” at domain wall.