
Un estudiant d'enginyeria física, junt amb els directors del seu TFG, ha publicat un article al New Journal of Physics

Alfredo Vidal, estudiant de quart del grau en enginyeria física, com ha resultat de seu Treball de Fi de Grau (TFG), ha publicat, junt amb els directors del treball Jordi Boronat i Grogory Astrakharchik, un article la revista New Journal of Physics 18 (2016) 055013 titulat One dimensional 1H, 2H and 3H



The ground-state properties of one-dimensional electron-spin-polarized hydrogen 1H, deuterium 2H, and tritium 3H are obtained by means of quantum Monte Carlo methods. The equations of state of the three isotopes are calculated for a wide range of linear densities. The pair correlation function and the static structure factor are obtained and interpreted within the framework of the Luttinger liquid theory. We report the density dependence of the Luttinger parameter and use it to identify different physical regimes: Bogoliubov Bose gas, super-Tonks–Girardeau gas, and quasi-crystal regimes for bosons; repulsive, attractive Fermi gas, and quasi-crystal regimes for fermions. We find that the tritium isotope is the one with the richest behavior. Our results show unambiguously the relevant role of the isotope mass in the properties of this quantum system.


Static structure factor comparison for the three isotopes at different densities. Top (5a) is for hydrogen, middle (5b) for deuterium and bottom (5c) for tritium. The different colors reflect the different densities.