
Un estudiant d'enginyeria física, junt amb investigadors de l'ICFO, ha publicat un article al American Journal of Physics


Nicolás Mateos, estudiant de segon d'enginyeria física, junt amb investigadors de l'ICFO (Institut de Ciències Fotoniques), ha publicat un article al American Journal of of Physics titulat "Low-cost diffuse optical tomography for the classroom".

Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is an emerging imaging modality with potential applications in oncology, neurology, and other clinical areas. It allows the non-invasive probing of the tissue function using relatively inexpensive and safe instrumentation. An educational laboratory setup of a DOT system could be used to demonstrate how photons propagate through tissues, basics of medical tomography, and the concepts of multiple scattering and absorption. Here, we report a DOT setup that could be introduced to the advanced undergraduate or early graduate curriculum using inexpensive and readily available tools. The basis of the system is the LEGO Mindstorms NXT platform which controls the light sources, the detectors (photo-diodes), a mechanical 2D scanning platform, and the data acquisition. A basic tomographic reconstruction is implemented in standard numerical software, and 3D images are reconstructed. The concept was tested and developed in an educational environment that involved a high-school student and a group of post-doctoral fellows.