
Dos estudiants i un professor d'enginyeria física han publicat un article al European Journal of Physics


Aleix Gimenez i Victor Chausse, estudiants de quart del grau en enginyeria física, junt amb el professor de Mètodes Numèrics i Computacionals, Alvaro Meseguer, han publicat un article al European Journal of Physics titulat "Numerical continuation in classical mechanics and thermodynamicshort".



Modern numerical continuation methodologies are presented as a way of understanding and computing multiplicity of solutions in undergraduate physics problems. Mechanical and thermodynamical problems are used as a storyline to introduce the mathematical formalism required to clarify the distinction between the uniqueness and multiplicity of equilibrium solutions and the critical states of a nonlinear physical problem, as well as to illustrate how these novel numerical continuation techniques are implemented in practice. The paper provides simple numerical Matlab codes that are easily adaptable to other problems, as well as updated software and literature resources.


(a) Isotherms from van der Waals equation within allowed ranges of temperature. Portions of the isotherms within the interval (vℓ, vg ) have been depicted with dashed curves.


(b) Three-dimensional representation of the p (v, T) surface, excluding the transition region (shaded).