
Conferència: Remote control of biological processes with light


13/05/2019 de 18:30 a 20:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


aula A4-001 del Campus Nord de la UPC

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El dilluns 13 de maig a les 18.30, dins del cicle de Conferències de Biofísica del grau en enginyeria física, el Dr. Pau Gorostiza, professor investigador ICREA de l'Institute for BioEngineering of Catalonia (IBEC) i lider del grup de recerca Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches, farà la conferència titulada "Remote control of biological processes with light" a l'aula A4-001 del Campus Nord de la UPC.



The large number of photoswitchable biomolecules discovered and developed in recent years covers a great variety of cellular functions like catalysis of metabolic processes, cytoskeletal polymerization and motors, nucleic acids dynamics, intracellular signaling and perhaps most dazzlingly membrane excitability, which has been at the focus of optogenetics and photopharmacology. The dream of precisely and remotely photocontrolling every aspect of the cell’s inner workings in intact tissue appears within reach and offers the promise of interrogating complex cellular processes to discover their molecular mechanisms. In this talk I will review recent and ongoing projects in the lab focused on light-regulated ligands, including the development of photoswitchable tethered ligands of neuronal receptors and photoswitchable antimetabolites for targeted photoactivated chemotherapy.