TFG realitzats fora de la UPC el curs 2015-16
- FARGAS CABANILLAS, JOSEP MARIA: dirigit per Milos Popovic a la University of Colorado Boulder
Research on Nanotechnologies and Applications
- LUAN, JIE: dirigit per Sebastian Randell als Bell Labs
Real-Time MIMO receiver for mode-division multiplexing over coupledmode optical fibres
- RODAN LEGRAIN, DANIEL: dirigit per Pablo Jarillo-Herrero al MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Heteroestructuras de encapsulación de dicalcogenuros metálicos con h-BN para su integración en dispositivos de alta calidad
- CABEDO GOMEZ, AINA: dirigida per Sergi Garcia Manyes al King's College of London
Magnetic tweezers for the study of mechanical interactions in biosystems
- SILVA-SANTISTEBAN LÓPEZ, ALVARO: dirigit per Sylvia E. McLain a la University of Oxford
Enhancing drug stability: the case of prilocaine
- CANAL NOGUER, POL: dirigit per Flavio Fenton al Georgia Tech
Measurement and modeling of atrial cell electrodynamics and atrial arrhythmias
- PERICAS ITURRIAGAGOITIA, CRISTINA: dirigida per Alex Reyes a la NYU -New York University
Breaking of balance between excitation and inhibition in neural networks
- GURRI PÉREZ, POL: dirigit per Boris Gaensicke a la University of Warwick
The end-states of stellar and planetary evolution
- AMORÓS BINEFA, JÚLIA: dirigida per Stefano Giorgini a la Università di Trento
One-dimensional quantum gases: from few to many
- SEMPERE LLAGOSTERA, SANTIAGO: dirigit per Caludio Cazorla a la University of New South Wales (Austràlia)
Quantum simulation of dislocations in crystals
- GALLUD CIDONCHA, XIMO: dirigit per Daniel Selva a la Cornell University
Agent-based framework for simulation of networked systems with adaptive modularity
- GARCÍA SANZ, MARÍA: dirigida per Turgut Durduran a l'ICFO - Institut de Ciències Fotòniques
Strategies to evaluate and improve the robustness of diffuse correlation spectroscopy for brain monitoring
- PUIG RIBAS, JORDI: dirigit per Jordi Martorell a l'ICFO - Institut de Ciències Fotòniques
Semi-transparent Organic Photovoltaic Technology
- JIMÉNEZ MACHADO, GERARD (dirigit per Juan. P. Torres a l'ICFO - Institut de Ciències Fotòniques
Measurement of noise-induced loss of polarization coherence