
TFG realitzats fora de la UPC el curs 2016-17

  • CABREJO PONCE, MERITXELL (dirigida per Christian Koos al KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

    Wavelength Division Multiplex Receiver Based on Photonic Wire Bonding

  • PITA VIDAL, MARTA  (dirigida per Pablo Jarillo-Herrero al (MIT)

    Estudio de fenómenos físicos propios de materiales  bidimensionales y de sus potenciales aplicaciones

  • NAVARRO FERNÁNDEZ, ARACELI (dirigida per Federico Roncarolo al CERN)

    Characterization and optimization of the CERN Secondary Emission Monitors (SEM) used for beam diagnostics

  • NOWAK VILA, ALEX (dirigit per Joan Bruna Estrach a la NYU- New York University

    Learning Dynamic Programming

  • MAROTO MORALES, JAVIER A. (dirigit per Antonio Ortega a la USC- University of Southern California

    Active Learning in Crowdsourcing Classification Problems using Sampling Theory for Graph Signals

  • MARTINEZ MURILLO, FERNANDO (dirigit per Pablo Loren Aguilar a la University of Exeter)

    Chemically enriched tidal tails in the aftermath of white dwarf mergers

  • MORENO GARCIA, DANIEL (dirigit per Jochen Greiner al High-Energy Astrophysics Group at Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik)

    Modelling of light-curves of accreting binary stars

  • SANTIGOSA PINILLA, MARC (dirigit per Kumaran Kolandaivelu a l'Institute for Medical Engineering and Science of MIT)

    Flow-based risk factors for bloot clotting identification

  • SCAVUZZO MONTAÑA, LARA (dirigida per Klaus Jöns al KTH - Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm)

    Storage of single photons in a hot Rubidium vapor

  • MARTINEZ GARCIA, ALBA MARIA (dirigida per Zheng Chen al Department of NanoEngineering at UC San Diego)

    Electrochemical activity of nanostructured conductive oxides

  • VILA GRACIA, YAGO NEL (dirigit per Anatoly Zayats al King's College of London)

    Plasmonic properties of nanostructures

  • GARCIA GOMEZ, PABLO (dirigida per Aleksandar Rakic a la University of Queensland, Australia)

    Laser Feedback Interferometry with Semiconductor Lasers

  • SALVAT LOZANO, NATÀLIA (dirigida per Tània Patiño a l'IBEC - Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia)

    30 Tracking of Enzyme-Powered Micro/Nanomotors: Effect of Enzyme Distribution

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