
TFG realitzats fora de la UPC el curs 2017-18

  • CANALS CANALS, PERE (dirigit per Soker, Noam al Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

    Oxygen-Neon rich merger scenario of a white dwarf with a stellar giant core during the common envelope

  • CORBELLA BAGOT, CONRAD (dirigit per Houtong Chen a Los Alamos National Laboratory)

    New metamaterial structures at the THz band

  • DE LA FUENTE GARCÍA, DARÍO (dirigit per Rajeev J. Ram al MIT)

    CMOS photonic devices characterization and optical fiber transmission

  • DIAZ FERRER, JESUS (dirigit per Ricardo Barrios al DLR- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt)

    Wind effects on fluctuations of the received power in FSO Communications due to atmospheric turbulence

  • DOMINGO ORIOL, ANTONIO (dirigit per Corey P. Neu a la University of Colorado Boulder)

    Development of a cell stretching device based on magnetic actuation

  • GARCIA GARCIA, ÓSCAR (dirigit per Anna Fontcuberta  a l'EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

    Optical characterization of Molecular Beam Epitaxy grown GaAs nanotrees

  • GÓMEZ IÑESTA, ÁLVARO (dirigit per Thomas Christensen al MIT)

    Quantum corrections in plasmonics & optical neural networks

  • GUASCH MORGADES, MARIA (dirigida per Benjamín Sanchez al Harvard Medical School)

    Electrical Impedance Myography

  • MARCO RIMMEK, JOAN (dirigit per Pablo Loren-Aguilar a la University of Exeter)

    Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of dynamos in white dwarfs

  • MEDINA MACHUCA, RODOLFO MIGUEL (dirigit per Jhon Bush al MIT)

    Study of a walking-droplet system as a hydrodynamic quantum analog

  • MELGAREJO LERMAS, IRENE (dirigida per Eduardo Martin-Martinez a la University of Waterlooa Canada)

    Estudio del papel de la dimensionalidad en entanglement harvesting

  • RIPOLL OLIVERES, ALBERT (dirigit per Kumaran Kolandaivelu al MIT)

    Patient specific models of clotting

  • TAULÉ FLORES, PERE (dirigit per Zdenka Kuncic a la University of Sydney)

    Top down meets bottom up: DNA Nanotechnology

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