TFG realitzats fora de la UPC el curs 2020-21
- ACOSTA MENDOZA, SANTIAGO: dirigit per Michael Goard a la University of California (Santa Barbara)
Modelling of egocentric space and allocentric space from neural activity in behaving mice
- ÁLVAREZ PÉREZ, GUILLEM: dirigida per Ermin Malic a la Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg)
Microscopic modeling of exciton polarons in perovskites
- BERTOMEU DIAZ, ORIOL; dirigit per Michael A. Colman i Enric Álvarez a la University of Leeds)
Analysis of homeostatic effects of buffering levels in a human ventricle computational model
- BRAVO FORN, ANDREA: dirigida per Mario di Benardo a la Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Collision avoidance control strategies for swarms of AGVs
- DOT CASADEVALL, LAURA: dirigida per Marc Avila al ZARM - Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (University of Bremen)
Drop breakup in turbulent flows
- FERNÁNDEZ STOLPA, LUCAS: dirigit per Marc Avila al ZARM - Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (University of Bremen)
Ultradispersed metal-based catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation
- FORTUNY REQUA, LLORENÇ: dirigit per Fabrice Raineri al C2N - Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (University Paris-Saclay)
Emission and Nonlinear Properties of Integrated Hybrid III-V/Silicon Nanophotonic Device
- HRISCU , LAVINIA BEATRICE: dirigida per Mike R. Jeffrey a la University of Bristol
Ageing of an oscillator due to frequency switching in physical systems
- MOLINA ANTÓN, MARÍA: dirigida per Michael Schneider a la TU Wien - Technische Universität Wien
Study of blood characteristics using MEMs sensors
- NICOLAU ORELL, SEBASTIÀ: dirigit per Elham Kashefi al LIP6 de la Sorbonne Université
Variational Quantum Cloning on a Quantum Photonic Processor
- PANADES BLAS, JOSEP MARIA: dirigit per Laurent Piccolo al IRCELYON - Institut de recherches sur la catalyse et l’environnement (Lyon)
Ultradispersed metal-based catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation
- PARIS ESCARCELLE, DAVID: dirigit per Alejandro Giacomotti al C2N - Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (University Paris-Saclay)
Few photon quantum correlations in photonic sources based on coupled optical nanocavities
- TORRES JUNYENT, MIREIA: dirigida per Chiara La Tessa a la Università degli Studi di Trento
Novel hybrid microdosimeter for radiation field characterization based on TEPC detector and LGADs tracker
- URDIALES BARTOLOMÉ, TOMÁS: dirigit per Daniel Prieto Alhambra a la University of Oxford
The association between ethnic background and COVID-19 testing, status and health outcomes: a multi-state cohort analysis including 406406 participants - XIFRA ESSER, CARLA: dirigida per Michael A. Colman i Blas Echebarria a la University of Leeds
Influence of fibrosis in the genesis of atrial fibrillation: a simulation study in human atrial tissue