TFG realitzats fora de la UPC el curs 2022-23
- ALCALDE HERRAIZ, MARTA: dirigida per Martí Català i Albert Prats-Uribé a la University of Oxford
Mendelian randomisation to triangulate causal inference knowledge
- BLANCH GARRIDO, ADRIÀ: dirigit per Isabelle Bouchoule a l'Institut d'Optique - Université París-Saclaye
Classical Field simulations of a 1D quasi-condensate gas
- CABANAS ALTARRIBA, SARA: dirigida per Wouter van der Wijngaart al KTH - Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm
Developing a microdrvice to detect bacteria in blood
- ESTANY FERNANDEZ, JAUME: dirigit per Lukas Tarra a la TU Wien - Technische Universität Wien
Real-time measurement of laser pulse energies
- GOMEZ FERNANDEZ, LAURA: dirigida per Jesús Corral Santana i Jorge Casares Velázquez al European Southern Observatory (Chile)
Rediscovering the first stellar-mass black hole
- GRANOLLERS COLOM, ERNEST: dirigit per Beyhan Bastin a la CEA - Commission de l'Énergie Atomique (Paris-Saclay)
The study of existence of a new boson in the MeV range
- MACIAS LÓPEZ, CARLA: codirigida per Pau Closas a la Northeastern University of Boston i Montse Najar de la UPC)
Machine Learning based Localization in 5G
- MERCADE BESORA, NÚRIA: dirigida per Martí Català i Annika Jodicke a la University of Oxford
Effect of the COVID-19 vaccine on the prevention of post-acute sequalae
- ORIOL PAGONABARRAGA, ANDRES: dirigit per Mario di Bernardo a la University of Naples Federico II
Development and validation of control strategies for synthetically engineered microbial consortia
- QUINTANA I BISTRICEANU, DIANA: dirigida per Jones Oliveira de Albuquerque a l'Instituto Keizo Asami (Brasil)
Effects of microgravity over carcerigenous cells
- SINDREU CLADERA, PAU: dirigit per Hermann Scharfetter al IBI - Institute of Biomedical Imaging of Graz (TUGraz - Graz University of Technology)
Ultrasound-based flow measurement system for saline flux in a perfusion phantom - TRIUS BÉJAR, JUAN: dirigit per Anna Wang a la University of New South Wales (Sidney)
Understandting soft matter through the use of novel biophysical tools